
For the sophisticated cosplayer

About Cos-mopolitian

Cosplay is for everyone; the artist and the fan, children of all ages and responsible adults, the shy, the bold, the good-natured folk and, in our case, the crafty Lushington. Once we crossed the line of twenty-one, cosplay suddenly became a whole lot more fun (and not just due to the inclusion of Bombay and Grey Goose). The longer you practice, the better you get and we started from ground zero -no skills, no teachers, just good old-fashioned trial and error.

So maybe you didn’t start cosplaying as a tween. So what? If you want to dress up as Ash, Chell, or Vash the Stampede, do it! As it is said by a wise and controversial author, “The question isn’t who will let me, but who will stop me?”

So what is Cos-mopolitian all about?

Well, aside from pointing out the best bars and restaurants within walking distance of any given convention hall (drink responsibly kids!), we want to give beginners an instant boost in skill sets so that you can focus on the fun of cosplaying rather than the stress of jumping blind into sewing, crafting and painting. Think of us as the Rare Candy of blogs.

Remember, we’re still learning too, so this is also a place to show our current projects, progress and the finished products.

On the ‘over twenty-one’ side of our blog, we honor adult cosplayers who, like us, enjoy the occasional stiff beverage. If you’d like to be featured in our ‘Cast of Noble Publicans’, send us a photo of you with your drink of choice and a note about your cosplay. If you’re under twenty-one and still want to participate, no problem! Send us a photo of you in your cosplay enjoying any ole non-alcoholic drink.  Please keep in mind, while we encourage humor and creativity, we will not accept any photos of a lewd, rude or crude nature.

In short, this is a place to learn, practice and have some fun while exploring the wonderful world of cosplay.

Thanks for coming and enjoy!

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